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Here's a list of Dr. D's most Frequently Asked Questions.

Do you customize your programs?

Yes! Before my presentation I review your web site, trade publications, company's portfolio, talk to three of your company’s staff members, and have your meeting planner fill out a questionnaire.

Is your work guaranteed?

Please refer to the Rants & Raves section of this web-site. If I am unable to perform for your group I will find you a suitable replacement.

What can we expect from your demo materials?

My demo video represents only a few minutes of my presentation to another organization. Each one of my presentations is unique in that I customize them to your needs. My programs are not only humorous and informative but incorporates a lot of audience interaction.

How do you handle expenses?

After you engage me, I work for you. In addition to my fee I only expect travel and room expense. I will use coach airfares whenever possible. No extras!

What kind of humor do you use?

Clean and non-offensive humor.

How can we get extra value by engaging you?

Many groups that hire me to do a keynote presentation also have me do a breakout session or workshop for them. This saves them money, by getting a discount on the breakout or workshop.

What do you need from us?

As soon as you engage me, I will begin my pre-program research by interviewing you briefly by phone, and then sending you a questionnaire to complete and return.

Want more information on Dr. D or his programs?
Then contact Dr. D and his staff here

Stress Management
Control the stress
in your life

Rants & Raves
See what Corporate America is saying about Dr. D

Copyright 2002-2003
Humor for Health, Inc.